John Dracass
Following retirement in 2007, after 33 years as a GP in Totton, John spent 3 years as Named Doctor for Safeguarding Children with Hampshire PCT finally hanging up his stethoscope in 2011 when he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
During his career he was a GP trainer and a previous Chairman of the West Hampshire LMC, a performance assessor for the GMC and a GP appraiser.
He is a past Chairman and Provost of the Wessex RCGP Faculty, and was a member of RCGP Council for many years.
Married to Merrilyn for 50 years, and with three grown-up children, one of whom is a consultant psychiatrist, he enjoys singing, gardening and bell ringing and is a keen member of his local U3A.
He holds a Masters Degree in Health Service Management and was awarded the MBE for services to health care in 2007.